Caring vibrant sharpest mind
Timely working hard sublime
Never ending smiles come so near
Courageous heart shows no fear
Of many looks each with beauty
Turn the diamond always pretty
Cast in lovely shades ever yearning
Catching all whose eyes discerning
Bubbling up with joy she laughs
Her warmly gaze makes haste
Loving every moment gained
Never loosing never waste
Trust is painted on her every move
She glides with purpose and resolve
Breaking down all thoughts of doubt
Beaming care hand reaching out
She's at the caring edge
Her life abounds giving pledge
Tireless eyes bring tomorrow
Full of energy none of sorrow
She cares for all just the same
Helping others not for fame
Her track laid out the journey set
Destined for greatness you can bet
Her journey of time to trek afar
Down the track with rambling cars
Out the window splashing scenes
Life passing colors merge in gleam
Keep your eyes forward looking
The place of destiny soon arriving
Stay your way keep your track
Mind the gap don't look back
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